Being able to choose the right golf ball could be just what you need to turn an awful game to a wonderful one. However, it does not mean that you should just trot out and buy the golf ball that Tiger Woods uses to instantly turn you into a world champion. You would still need to choose the golf ball that would work for you.
The three different types of golf balls are: two-piece balls, three-piece balls and high performance balls.
If you wish to improve the distance shots you are making, you would need to use the two-piece golf ball. If you wish to improve your accuracy, then you might opt to use a three-piece golf ball or a high performance golf ball.
For beginners, two-piece golf balls would be more advisable as they are cheaper compared to the other golf balls. Also, two-piece golf balls would be great for those who are slow swingers since these balls have a larger rubber core, which would assure a faster speed.
For golfers whose accuracy is inconsistent, two-piece golf balls would also be the better choice, because three-piece golf balls just would not do if you would be making a couple of inaccurate hits in a game. Also, if you are still working on your precision, high performance balls would not be the best way to go as these balls would be more suitable for the professional golfers who have already mastered their games.
Golf balls are definitely something that you would need to give importance to as you learn more in golf and as you work on your skills to become better st your game. Being equipped with the right type of golf balls that would work to your advantage would definitely improve your score and eventually help you move on to the more competitive playing field.
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