One of the most dreaded outcomes from a golf swing is a golf slice, which can happen especially to beginners that lack consistency in their golf swing, not to mention that sometimes it will also struck professional golfers!
So exactly what can you do when a golf slice can even happen to the best players out there? It is simple as long as you understand how golf slice works.
Golf slice is usually used when you are trying to avoid a tree or obstacle in the course and it will fly from the left to the right, however a bad golf slice is one that is uncontrollable and often exaggerated, on the other hand if your ball is flying from the right to left then you are doing a golf hook. These slices and hooks does not happen unintentionally or by chance, it is a direct result of where your club is facing when the swing lands.
There are a few basic ways to tackle this annoying issue:
Obviously, the easiest way is to make sure when you land your swing, your club face angle is hitting the ball straight on. Easy as it sound, this is a difficult skill to master, hence the amount of golf swing tips out there. By just understanding this, you can now make a conscious effort to make sure that your club face lands the exact way you wanted it to be.
Another common problem that can cause your swing to be out of line is your golf grip. Your grip have everything to do with the way your club face, therefore you should really take note on how you grip your clubs. Gripping it too tightly can cause your club to face inward on your front swing, and thus causing you a hook, likewise, a loose grip will caused you a slice and sometimes a flying club!
Thus if you are guilty of performing golf slice more often than not, you should really take necessary steps to correct it before it becomes a habit for you! It can certainly sucks the fun out of this game if you can not hit the ball straight, thus you want to make sure that you got your golf swing fundamentals right. From your body alignment to the ball, distance, grip, stances and using your shoulders to perform the swing instead of your arms, you really have to get it right in order to hit the straightest ball down the fairway possible.
It can be difficult because the correct stance are some of the most unnatural physical movement your body need to adapt to, however do bear in mind that getting the best swing is simply a practice and through muscle memory. Make sure you take note of the above tips when you are out practicing your golf swing in your driving range the next time!