Getting Your Golf Swing Fundamentals Right

When it comes to getting a better swing, we humans really like to complicate matters. As we like to fin out the reason why we are not getting a better shot, we do not really have to overcomplicate it by over analyzing every shot. Your golf swing is no doubt the most important aspect in this game, and thus over analyzing will easily leaves us even further away from what we really want in terms of perfect swing.

If that is the case for you, I do recommend you to take a break from what is happening and start focusing on your golf swing fundamentals. Understand that having a strong foundation in terms of basic golf swing can further improve the way you play, and make sure that you review it and find out why you are not improving.

Below are some golf swing basic techniques that you will want to get it right:

Start by reviewing the way you swing your golf clubs. This can not be stressed enough; too many beginner golfers are actually solely relying on their arms rather than their shoulders! When that happens, your swing would not be going up in an natural half circle; instead it will be pulled up from the ground which leads to the club angle being too straight.

What you want to do during your ball contact is to create a whip effect, which is what gives the ball the distance as well as the direction. When you do not use your shoulders, the club face will not hit the ball straight on, often resulting in a bad shot. This is due to the inability to control the way your club face angle when you swing. Therefore you have to get this golf swing fundamentals right, use your shoulder to guide the swing instead of your arms.

Another mistake that most beginners made during their swing is to try to hit the ball with all their might. This alone can have a disastrous effect because you lose control of your golf swing when you start compromising control for power. The golf club are specifically made to create the whip effect, which explains why different golf clubs have different loft and length.

When you use the right club for the right approach, you will get the prefect trajectory and power, as such understanding what each clubs are meant to do will benefit your overall game. Remember that you should not be trying too hard to squeeze the distance out; you are instead trying to create the perfect whip effect. As such, additional power will only lead you to lose control of your golf swing.

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